Learning in Brisbane Catholic Education schools is underpinned by the beliefs that all learners require:
multiple and varied opportunities to negotiate, observe, engage in, reflect on, demonstrate and enact their learning; such learning opportunities will occur in individual, small group and whole group contexts
encouragement to learn both independently and collaboratively
challenges to build upon current knowledge and understandings in order to create new knowledge – be co–creators of learning through supported, structured inquiry
opportunities for learning which encompass the diverse aspects of all life experience
classroom and school environments which are intellectually, socially and physically conducive to learning
ready access to and use of appropriate technologies and resources to create, collaborate and communicate learning
personalised learning
essential skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT
ability to solve real world problems in ways which draw upon a range of learning areas and disciplines

Learning and teaching in the Springfield Lakes community will embrace the spirit of The Good Shepherd as expressed through the school’s Vision and Mission Statement and engage the aspirations of the residential community in which the school is situated.
Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School sets a high standard across all subject areas. Our teachers are committed and focused specialists in primary education and are trained to deliver the best possible learning outcomes.
Currently all classroom teachers at Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School cater for every aspect of learning including a number of specialist areas of interest which allow students to broaden their curricular experiences.
The Learning Areas at Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School are:
- Religious Education
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- HASS - Civics and Citizenship, Humanities and Social Sciences
- The Arts (Music, Visual Art, Media Arts, Dance & Drama)
- Technologies (Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies)
- Health & Physical Education
- Languages (Japanese)
From 2024 we will have specialist teachers in the following areas:
- Performing Arts
- Physical Education
- Japanese
- Teacher Librarian (STEM)
Phases of Learning
The school will have two phases of learning, Early and Middle Years defined through developmental stages, curriculum selection and pedagogical strategies and then recognised through facility access and uniform change.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, (2023)